Ets Major Field Test Criminology Study Guide

Posted By admin On 01.10.19

There are many hurdles to leap when applying for graduate school, and one of the biggest for some students is the GRE. Required of almost all students who will be applying to grad school, this test is vitally important, which explains why so many aspiring grad students are looking for the best way to prepare for it.

Those who hope to get into a competitive psychology graduate school program will also need to take the Psychology Subject Exam for the GRE. What is the GRE?

The GRE is the Graduate Record Examination. It is a required examination for most students who are planning to enter graduate school, whether for a master’s or doctorate degree. This is a standardized test that was created in 1949 by the Educational Testing Service, which still administers the test today. The GRE scores a student on three key points: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing, which includes critical thinking. The idea is that these skills have been learned over the course of high school and undergraduate study, and are now an integral part of the test-taker’s educational experience.

The GRE at a Glance. The test scoring is based on one point for each correct answer and one-fourth of a point subtracted for each incorrect answer. There is no deduction for questions that are not answered.

The test typically takes just under four hours, including short breaks. The GRE can be taken up to five times.

Title: Free Ets Major Field Test Criminology Study Guide (PDF, ePub, Mobi) Author: Howell-North Books Subject: Ets Major Field Test Criminology Study Guide.

The shortest re-testing interval is once per month. Many students choose to take the GRE during their third year of undergraduate study; however, students can also wait until they begin the graduate school admissions process. The decision is very individual – the key is to complete the test in ample time to allow scores to be sent to the chosen schools before the applications deadline. The test is usually taken via computer; however, in areas where internet access is not readily available or reliable, the GRE might be taken in traditional paper format.

The GRE costs $195 per testing session. There are additional fees for changing a test center, rescheduling a test, late registration and stand-by testing. Here is further pertinent information about the GRE, including a breakdown of each testing segment and what students can expect from questions and scoring. From free resources to paid tutoring, this resource guide will provide students with a good overview of the opportunities for study that are out there concerning the GRE and subject tests. As the home of the GRE and other tests, the ETS offers numerous free options for study, as well as other pertinent resources. Online resource for vocabulary practice exercises, such as flashcards.

Online flashcards with GRE vocabulary words. Provides a list of online resources that cover topics tested by the GRE. The GRE Psychology Subject Test The GRE Psychology Subject Test focuses strongly on the key components of psychology that should have been learned throughout the undergraduate education. The idea is to test a person’s knowledge of psychology and closely related topics in order to determine how prepared that student might be to enter the psychology degree program in graduate school. The vast majority of graduate school programs require scores from the GRE in order to be considered for admission.

Those who want to enter a psychology degree program or one that is closely related to it, such as the degree in social work, might be asked to take the Psychology Subject Test as well. Though this is not required by all psychology graduate programs, some do expect it. Even if a school does not expect the Psychology Test, students might find that taking the test provides a boost to their application and might help them rise above the very competitive pool of applicants. Is the Psychology Test taken along with the GRE? The psychology test and the GRE are two separate tests, and thus are taken at separate times.

Students do not have to take the GRE in order to take the subject test, and vice versa. However, taking the GRE is typically required by graduate school programs, while the psychology test is often optional. The GRE is offered on a monthly basis, while the psychology test, as with other subject tests, is offered three times during the year. Students typically register about a month ahead of the testing date.

The test results are good for five years from the date of testing. The test usually consists of 205 questions. These are all multiple-choice with five possible options, and there is no essay portion, like students have come to expect from the GRE. The correct answer to the question is sometimes clear and straightforward. In other cases, there is no “right” answer, but rather, a “best” answer. The best answer is scored as the correct answer to the question.

Several questions on the test might pertain to a particular graph, description, or experiment. The graph or other materials are included with the stimulus materials for the test. There are no “gotcha” questions on the test – they are all based on the common core of knowledge in psychology, and focus on information that should have been learned at the undergraduate level. To put it another way, don’t expect graduate-level questions in the Psychology Subject Test.

The test results in a total score, which is the combination of all questions taken, as well as two subscores. Scores are reported on a scale of 200-990 in ten-point increments, with subscores reported on a scale of 20-99 in one-point increments. Subscores for the Psychology Test include those in experimental or natural sciences and those in social or social science. Experimental or natural sciences make up about 40 percent of the questions, while social or social science make up about 43 percent. The other 17 percent of the questions focus on general psychology, and contribute to the total score only, with no bearing on the subscores. Experimental or natural sciences might include: learning, memory, language, sensation and perception, behavioral neuroscience, physiological psychology and thinking. Social or social science questions might include: lifespan development, social psychology, personality, and other points in both clinical and abnormal psychology.

General psychology questions include: applied psychology, psychometrics, the history of psychology, statistics and research design. Biological diversity definition. The division of test questions between general psychology and the two subsections are not clear; questions of all three types are distributed throughout the test. The raw score for the psych test is converted into a scaled score.

The raw score is calculated by one point for each correct answer, minus one-fourth of a point for each incorrect answer. Questions left unanswered are not figured into the raw score. The scaled criteria is determined by the test edition, the number of test questions included in the assessment, and much more. Sample Psychology Exam Questions Ready to try a few sample questions? These are quite similar to the questions students encounter on the Psychology Subject Exam. Keep in mind that the test is timed, so it is a good idea to answer these questions as quickly as possible and keep time during the process, in order to get a good approximation of how long each question might take. Is there anything you might like to share about the psych exam?

Take your time and work with what you’ve learned! At the end of the day this will be one letter in the essay of your professional life. Your career will find a way with or without this exam! GRE Psychology Subject Study Schedule As with any other major endeavor, breaking this exam down into small bites is much easier than rushing to get it all done the night before. A consistent pattern of study will eventually lead to not only a good review of skills and knowledge, but much more confidence – and that confidence just might make the difference between a few nervous mistakes and making a high score on these very important tests.

Major Field Test Study Guide

Sign up Registration for the subject tests can be done either online or by mail. If special arrangements need to be made, such as a request for disability accommodation, students must register via mail. Make the need for accommodations known as soon as possible in order to ensure a smooth testing day for everyone. Students should register for a test as soon as they know they will want to take it on a particular date; deadlines for registration are typically about a month before the test date, but there might be some exceptions, so always check the GRE website to be certain. If a test must be rescheduled, the request should be made at least four days before the start of the original testing date, and is accompanied by a rescheduling fee of $50. Failure to reschedule at least four days before the testing date will result in the loss of the registration fee. Decide When to Take the Test Students should take the test in time to have their scores reported before the admissions deadlines at the graduate school of their choice.

For instance, if the deadline for admissions happens to be in May, the test offered in April will not provide enough time to get scores to the school before their deadline. Therefore, students will need to take the test in September or October in order to meet the May deadline for that particular school. Check with all the schools where applications are active to ensure that a chosen test date will be suitable to get the scores to them in plenty of time. Find out Where the Test is Taken in Your Area The subject tests for the GRE are offered at paper-delivered test centers across the globe. They are offered up to three times per year, in September, October and April. In the United States, hundreds of test centers are located across the country; if a testing center is more than 125 miles away from a student’s location, the GRE program might consider accommodating by opening a test center a bit closer. Always choose the test center that is closest and most convenient.


After the Test. Send Test Scores to Potential Grad Schools Students can opt to send only the most recent score, which would work out well for those who intend to take the test only once.

However, many take the test numerous times in order to try for a higher score. In that case, students can opt to send all the test scores they have earned, or they can select the highest score and send only that one. Students can make their choices known during registration.

Ets Major Field Test Business

Test scores can be sent to four graduate schools free of charge; anything more than that requires a $27 fee per recipient. What to Do if the Score is Too Low If a student is not happy with the score, it is possible to take the test again in the hopes of getting a higher grade. Students can take the test every time it is offered. Disputing a score is possible; it requires requesting a score review through the Educational Testing Service, and must be requested within three months of the test date. However, keep in mind that the final score after the dispute will be the permanent one, whether it is lower or higher than the original score.

GRE Psychology Subject Exam Resources When looking for psychology test resources, definitive help can be found right on the GRE website. The Psychology Test Practice Book, a study guide of about 60 pages, is a great place to begin. In addition to reading through every page of the book and taking the sample tests included within it, students can also find practical help through these resources. At 552 pages, this large book offers numerous reviews, tests and more for the aspiring psychology grad student. Offered by Princeton Review, this book is 256 pages of information, practice tests and techniques to help students achieve higher scores. This app for iTunes offers 1200 dynamic flashcards designed to help students learn through cognitive science techniques.

At 480 pages, Kaplan has provided a book that offers numerous practice tests and study tips to help students achieve the best possible scores. Offered by the ETS, this book is a very close approximation of the questions that can be expected in the Psychology Subject Test. These flash cards focus on key points of psychology that can come in useful during the test.

This site contains a wide range of psychology study resources to assist takes of the GRE psychology Subject Test. A Brief Guide for Students: As the title states, this is a brief article explaining the GRE psychology Subject Test and how it’s scored. Provides digital flashcards covering over 1,200 items covered by the GRE psychology Subject Test. Costs $19.99, but is free to try. Contains 241 pages of flashcards that cover various GRE psychology Subject Test topics.

The ETS® Major Field Test for Psychology consists of 140 multiple-choice questions, some of which are grouped in sets and based on materials such as a description of an experiment or graphs of psychological functions. For information about the data and how to use it, see the section. Sample Reports — includes total scores and subscores (if applicable) of all students tested, listed alphabetically by last name. — includes the frequency distributions of total scores and subscores, showing the percent of students scoring below each percentile.

Ets major field test psychology

The departmental mean scale score and standard deviation are also shown. A Departmental Summary does not include scores of students who answered fewer than 50 percent of the test questions in one or both sections of a test. — provides a list of the mean (average) percent correct of test questions answered in particular subdomains/content areas for the group as a whole. — provides student demographic information taken directly from the answer sheets and summarized for the group as a whole. — includes total score and subscores for each student tested, along with interpretive information.

Criminology Study Guide Pdf

For more information about other reports, see the section.