Curry Blake Manuals

Posted By admin On 20.09.19
  1. Curry Blake Manualslib

So would it be ok too to steal books out of a christian store? I dont think so. I think we are not paying for a message but for the print when we buy books f or if its on pdf, then for the writting work etc. +according to jglm its a support for their ministry. Even if you dont host the stuff,youre helping others doing things that might be wrong, if its not a free giveaway. Im not pointing out a finger but you know we all have our responsibility i mean that in love + i did not asked you in a rhetoric way, even if it might look like that.

Thanks again for your reply. Your comparisson with stealing a book is invalid because stealing takes away from the owner, where as duplicating simply copies content without affecting the owner in any way. In fact, it serves ascgood marketing. I’d like to add what Curry Blake says in one of the DHTs (paraphrased here): when you take money out of the picture, it gets real easy to spread the message. That is what is happening here.

The countless comments and visits to this post serve as testimony of what the sharing of these teachings have done. As far as JGLM is concerned, I do mention in the blog post that readers should donate to JGLM and I link to the JGLM shop. If readers want to contribute, great. But if they don’t, should we keep these life-changing teachings from them? Again, as far as JGLM is concerned, I give them all credit and encourage and point readers toward supporting and partnering with JGLM. Let us not pussy-foot around petty concerns, but spread the gospel unconditionally.

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Win the lost at any cost! I am from India, a pastor. The consolidated resource on this page had been a great blessing not just to me but to many more like me who visit this page. God bless you for such a task of putting it all together, its a big task to do something like this.


You may not even know what difference this blog can make in the times to come. There were things that I always wondered about, particularly in terms of the level of faith that others have, how can that have such a major difference to the power of God that must manifest when we pray. Had always wondered about the man on gate beautiful, lazrus etc. Have just begun to hear some of the material and things are making a connection. John, why is it that Curry says that materials can be distributed as long as it’s not sold yet you (and JGLM) have come up strongly against the above use of dropbox? Curry Blake has changed my life and many people have been impacted by Curry’s message through me as I recommend it to them. And of course I give them his messages for free (even some that had to be paid for).

I’m also a partner of the ministry by the way and because of what I’ve done many people have come to know the message of JGLM or have been strengthened in it – and probably are partners now because of that. So if you want to think of it in the monetary terms, then even though I gave away some paid messages to any who wanted them, that may have resulted in people being partners and JGLM benefiting in the long term. But aren’t we supposed not to think of it in monetary terms? Isn’t lives being impacted more important than money?

Isn’t the kingdom more important? Sorry, but I’m very disappointed with your pointed statements. I expected more out of JGLM. I was very impressed when I heard about how Curry would give money away to them who asked – as according to the Bible. And how the ministry seems to have the right focus – on the message, people and the gospel, not money. And I still think it does and I still love the ministry and the message. JGLM is the only ministry I donate to every month.

So I’m disappointed because I thought JGLM would be one of the last ministries that would be concerned about the spreading of their message for free. As the owner of this website has said, and I couldn’t agree more, “I just value spreading the Gospel and reaching people more than good ethics.” I hope JGLM consider offering all their materials for free just like Andrew Wommack’s Ministry (the other ministry I actually wanted to donate regularly except there were problems with doing so from overseas).

Tons of people have been blessed by Andrew Wommack and are now big supporters and partners. I feel you can’t ever go wrong by giving everything away for free.

I think this is especially important for Christian ministries – with the common misperception that Christian ministries are just out to enrich themselves. It takes faith to do that, of course, but I think overall the kingdom will benefit more and I think ultimately if your message is good and biblical and life-transforming, people will definitely support you more.

For me, I know that God has blessed me and is going to bless me financially even more and the first ministry I’ll be blessing is JGLM. JGLM is of course free to do what it wants and I will respect that it has the right to choose. But your statements above just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks for your comment. I share the same view as you and I was disgusted by the threatening tone in John Blake’s comment. I have learnt that what I came to know of Curry Blake through his messages is very different from what the JGLM team radiates. It is as though they are two completely different entities.

Its funny how we sit with such a powerful tool as the internet, with the potential to reach hundreds of millions of people, yet we only worry about monetary compensation. That just doesn’t fit in my mind. It makes no sense. Maybe one day we can reach a place where all ministries are selfless and willing to give their teachings away like Andrew Wammack does. Where it is not about the money, the credit or any compensation except for reaching other people.

Where Christians are Christ-like. I have said this before, these teachings have changed my life entirely. I haven’t heard the Bible being taught so simple before. May the love for money not limit us to spread the good news in whichever form. May we reach the lost at any cost. I listened to DHT audio every morning on my phone till I finished the whole series.

I was blessed, it was awesome. I learnt new things and mind was debugged of some things that would have hindered me in ministering healing to people by faith. It was simplified with biblical proofs and I was spurred up to do something which I did the next day I got to church and saw someone with a pain on his hands due to an accident. I prayed for him and he got better It was marvellous listening I wish he can come to Nigeria.


Blake General Overseer of John G. Lake Ministries Curry R.

Blake is recognized around the world as a leading authority on Divine Healing, Charismatic Church History, and the life and ministry of John G. His ability to communicate deep spiritual truths in a simple, yet profound manner, has ignited true spiritual revival in Christians worldwide. As a leader in the current Apostolic/Prophetic/Healing Movement, Rev. Blake is considered a spiritual mentor to a large number of the ministries birthed in this current move of God. Born April 1, 1959 in Jasper, TX. At 17 months of age Curry was hit by an automobile in the driveway of his grandparent’s home.

Curry’s father did not see him as he was backing out. The car ran over his head, ripping his right ear off. The car’s wheel pinched his scalp to the point that it ripped from his right ear to his left ear. This ripping caused his scalp to be pulled down across his forehead to the top of his eyes. Curry’s grandfather came out of the house, picked Curry up, picked up his ear, put him in his truck and drove him to the hospital. The doctor’s told Curry’s mother to buy a casket and plan his funeral because there was no way he could survive such extensive brain damage. Curry’s mother, a Pentecostal, began to pray.

She told God that if He would spare Curry’s life, she would raise him and train him to serve Him. The doctors came out of surgery to tell her that if he lived, he would be completely handicapped and that someone would have to care for him the rest of his life. The doctors went back to surgery and Curry’s mother went back to praying. This time she said, “God, if you’re going to let him live, then heal him completely.” After some time, the doctors returned saying, “Well, we can’t find any signs of brain damage, but, if he lives and even if he doesn’t have any brain damage, he will never have any hair and he will never hear out of his right ear.” Once again his mother began praying.

She told God, that if He was going to let Curry live, that he would be of no use to Him unless he was completely healed. Today, Curry is totally and perfectly healed. He has at least an average IQ and a full head of hair and perfect hearing in both ears. At 17 years of age, Curry enlisted in the U.S. Air Force as a Security Police, Law Enforcement Specialist. During his term of enlistment, God began to deal with him about answering the call to ministry. After some time he decided to go with his heart.

He began to pray about being released from his enlistment contract. Within 3 days, Curry was called to the C.O’s office, where he was informed that there were too many Security Police at that time and that he had a choice of either changing fields or receiving an Honorable Discharge with full G.I. Curry took the latter.

After his discharge, Curry went home to share the news with his father and mother that he was going to preach. When he told them what had happened, his parents told him how he had been given to God 17 years earlier. He had known about the accident, and how God had delivered him, but he had not known about his mother’s dedicating him to God. Within 1 year he was married and had a child on the way. By 1983 Curry and his wife had 3 children. “Although he (Lake) founded a number of institutions, they never gained the widespread prominence of other similar ministries.

His daughter, Gertrude, and her husband, Wilford Reidt, carried on his ministry until late in their lives when they officially passed the ministry to a young minister named Curry Blake. Blake had been run over by a car as a baby, but while in the hospital, his mother prayed for him and he miraculously recovered with barely any sign of what was thought to be a life-threatening injury. Unknown to the Blake family at the time, this event occurred exactly 25 years after Lake had given a prophecy about a successor who would come 25 years later. Blake has begun to rebuild Lake’s ministries and vision. Many claim Lake as a spiritual influence, but Blake’s success in the healing ministry, as well as the extent of his vision of Christianity is uniquely reminiscent of Lake himself.” Excerpt from: “The Azusa Street Revival” by Roberts Liardon – P.204-205.

Over the years, God has done many wonderful things in the Blake’s lives. Below are just a few of them. Curry’s father, Johny F.

Curry blake youtube

Blake, has been a Police Officer, Narcotics Detective, Chief of Police, and an Internal Affairs Officer with The State of Texas Department of Corrections. Today, Curry’s father is a saved, spirit-filled, man of God. Curry Relates Some Family Miracles: When my youngest daughter was 7 years old, she fell from a second story window onto a concrete patio.

When I reached her, she was dead. I picked her up and walked around the patio saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” This continued for over five minutes. I walked into our dining room and placed her on the floor, propping her up against a wall. She was still dead, with no heartbeat, and no breath.

My wife ran into the room in a panic. The Gift of Faith was in operation as I turned to her and said, “If you can’t believe, get out.” She calmed down. I knelt down in front of my daughter and continued saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” After another 20 or 30 times of repeating this statement, my daughter suddenly expelled a strong breath, spewing blood all over my shirt. The first words she spoke to me were “Daddy, I’m hungry.” We took her to the hospital where doctor’s confirmed that she had been dead for at least 45 minutes. Today, that daughter, Becky, is a born-again, Spirit-filled, missionary-minded young lady. Curry and his family now live near Dallas, Texas, from which they spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, a gospel of help, healing, and freedom for all the oppressed.

Lester Sumrall was Curry’s Pastor, Bible School Teacher, and mentor. Curry and his wife Dawn were in charge of Dr. Sumrall’s prayer line ministry during our time at his Church and Bible School. Wilford Reidt (the son-in-law of the late Dr. Lake) and his wife, Gertrude (Dr. Lake’s daughter) were good friends and mentors to Bro. Reidt’s death in 1987, Curry was named as the General Overseer of the International Apostolic Council, an organization founded by the late Dr.

John G Lake in 1914. In continuing Dr. Lake’s work, we have established John G. Lake Healing Rooms throughout the U.S. Blake was given a copy of a manual used by Dr. Lake to train his Divine Healing Technicians (DHT’s) (see: Who is John G. Since that time Bro.

Curry has been traveling and training Christians in how to minister healing to the sick. Thousands of DHT’s have been trained around the U.S.

Curry Blake Manualslib

And the world. Over 30,000 healings per month are being reported by these average men and women of God. Every type of disease has been healed and several dead have been raised. For more info on this training, please see: “DHT Comments” on our index page. In 1947, Gordon and Freda Lindsay co-founded “The Voice of Healing” magazine (and movement) to highlight the ministry of William Branham.

Through the Lindsay’s untiring efforts the VOH became a movement that has blessed millions around the world with salvation from sin, deliverance from demons, and physical healing of literally every type of sickness and disease. In 2001, Curry met with Mrs. Freda Lindsay (Co-founder of Christ for the Nations and her son Dennis Lindsay, President of CFNI). Blake is currently President of The International Divine Healing Association (IDHA), which is a network of Christians involved in the divine healing ministry. Curry also heads the Divine Healing Institute (DHI), a research and development training organization specifically directed toward increasing the effectiveness of Divine Healing Technicians and members of the IDHA. The IDHA also oversees all training and communications with John G. Lake Healing Rooms.

(Please note: The Healing Rooms in Spokane are not affiliated with John G. Lake Ministries nor do they teach Dr. Lake’s Divine Healing Technician Training material.). JGLM Brings a complete Biblical message of the New Covenant way of life, as originally intended by our Lord, to His people. While the benefits of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection are available to all, John G.

Lake Ministries is specifically looking for those who are not satisfied with the “status quo”. We unashamedly bring a revolutionary message to the Body of Christ and the world. We believe that God is looking for a few serious, committed, and sold out people through whom He can show Himself strong.