Pastor Anniversary Guide

Posted By admin On 26.09.19

October is upon us once again, but before you get out the candy and carve jack-o’-lanterns, do something that will really make an impact. Show your pastor(s) some appreciation.

In essence, Pastor Appreciation will serve a twofold purpose: (1) to honor the pastor, and (2) to illuminate ways to live the Word. The theme, Living the Word, should be central in focus.

It is, after all, Pastor Appreciation Month. Of course, we hope you’ll demonstrate how much you love your pastors through the year. But October has been set aside to give them a little boost, perhaps just what they’ll need before the second busiest—and not always so merry—season of church leadership. But maybe you don’t know where to start. You want your expression of appreciation to mean something, but you don’t want it to be cheesy.

You don’t want to go overboard, but you want to avoid all appearances of cheap. That’s why we’ve prepared this handy guide to Pastor Appreciation Month. Step 1: Realize that your pastor probably isn’t going to ask for anything. Let’s face it—pastors are people, too! It’s plain awkward and goes against their humble spirit. This does NOT mean they wouldn’t be super blessed by your expression of appreciation. They know their approval comes from God, but they crave a pat on the back now and then like anybody else.

Step 2: Understand that most pastors didn’t sign up for the job to make money. They accepted a divine call, often at great sacrifice to self and family. More often than not, they’re grossly underpaid (you may never hear about those late nights or the incredible pressure placed on their shoulders). A monetary gift of any size speaks volumes, and makes a bigger difference than you might think. Step 3: Get to know your pastor throughout the year. Learn what he or she likes, including hobbies and interests that go beyond the ministry.

Does your pastor like the great outdoors? How about a gift card to Bass Pro Shops? Is your pastor a voracious reader?


Consider a gift card to Barnes and Noble or Amazon. What kind of food does your pastor love to eat? Maybe a gift card to a certain restaurant would do the trick.

Not only are such expressions of appreciation practical, but they also demonstrate thoughtfulness. Step 4: Consider your pastor’s family. Often overlooked, these precious ones experience the same blessings and strain as the pastor—more often, the strain. If you can figure out how to bless the family, the pastor is also blessed. Are the children young?

Arrange a date night complete with babysitting by trusted individuals. How long has it been since your pastor was given a Sunday off (and the week surrounding)? If you’re on the board, or if you know someone who is, secure a guest speaker and make it happen. Better yet, see to it that the pastor is afforded quality time with his or her family throughout the year. Step 5: Write a note of thanksgiving to your pastor, and don’t forget the chaplains in your area.


Remind your pastor of the difference he or she has made in your life. Demonstrate to your pastor that you won’t take their efforts lightly—you’ll have their back for the long haul and show appreciation November through September, too.

Church Pastor Guide Pastor Anniversary

Step up and surprise your pastor by volunteering to lead a new ministry or help with an existing one. Commit to arrive early or stay late at worship services and church functions when the pastor is often alone to do the preparation and cleanup.

Showing up and offering to help may more than any card or letter ever could. Step 6: Help us create a visual representation of gratitude by participating in our word cloud project. This one is created from words shared in response to “I love my pastor because ” by our CHOG Ministries employees. Would you send us your words? We want to add to this and share it on our website!

Just send your completion of that sentence to. Remember, pastors aren’t perfect. The loneliness, discouragement, and fear you sometimes face can be a struggle for spiritual shepherds, too.

But you really can make a difference. So, you appreciate your pastor?

Thank you for visiting our page for a speech during the anniversary of your pastor in the church. Below here is a free sample that will give you the format and the same time words that you can use in the speech. We know how you are time bound and are here to cater for your time. We want you to save more time so that you can enjoy doing what you love in life. Our center here is your partner in producing original church materials including speeches and poems for church programs,church events and any other occasions. Now since you are in our page,learn also what can benefit your church from our site here.

Make this site your partner. Like for example if you:- You have been asked by the pastor or the committee that is organizing for the celebration of your pastor anniversary to give a speech on that day. Here is what to say about your pastor for anniversary in the church. We have many speech samples in our page here that can guide and help you prepare well for the pastor anniversary in the church pastor anniversary speeches. If you are a pastor or head of ministry we welcome you to our page.

Our mission is to partner with you and provide you will all the time you need to do things that you love most. We understand how time is precious and you don't need to waste it in any way.

Here as church pastor guide we have taken our time to make sure quality is assured. We work daily to bring to you relevant information that your church need. We dig and go deep to write up to date speeches that the church can use.

Your work is to download and modify by inserting the name of your church and there you have a speech that you can deliver in the church. We call hustle free. No any other website care more that we do. We have gone an extra mile to create a special page that you can subscribe and have as many modified speeches as possible for your church for any occasion or event in the church. If you are interested you can subscribe now for a small fee for five good years and have unlimited access materials for your church. But if you have time and want to go through the longer curve then continue down here we have some samples to have a look below here. Below are pastor anniversary speeches sample to have a look.

NB They are only samples for pastor anniversary speeches Free sample to have a look. I greet you in the name of Jesus, good-morning servants of God, What a privilege have been given by our almighty God to stand before you this morning, As we worship together this day that the Lord has given us. More of the pastor anniversary speeches for the occasion. A sample speech that you can customize. Today is a special day in our calendar and as the word of God says in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh.

Church Pastor Guide

Now what we spoke when our pastor joined us. Today is fulfilled. And we have a reason to believe in the Lord and His word. What a Joy in our church that our pastor is with us today as we celebrate his (insert the anniversary here i.e 2nd,3rd,4th etc) anniversary since the Lord led him here. Thank you pastor for accepting the call of the Lord to come and serve in our Church. You have guided us and the Lord has used you for his purpose. Arjo tornado technical manual. Feel welcome and we look forward for more in the years coming.

Now what do you? Welcome to our page that is dedicated to given you samples of pastor speeches that you can have and own them. Pick any that you want and give it during this day. It is an honor to give a speech during this day and to speak on behalf of others as you pay tribute to your pastor for the wonderful things he has done to the church since he joined you.

Black Pastors Anniversary Programs

The speeches are fit to be given during 1st anniversary,second anniversary,third anniversary,fourth anniversary,fifty anniversary,sixty anniversary,seventy anniversary,eight anniversary,ninth anniversary,tenth anniversary,twentieth anniversary, great speech pastor 35 anniversary,fiftieth anniversary and many more anniversaries pastor anniversary speeches sample speeches for pastor anniversary. The anniversary speech below here can be shared during the event as you remember the sweet memory the church has for your pastor. When you are presenting it, You can include humor to make it exciting as much as possible.

Second sample speech Today we are so happy meeting this way as we celebrate our pastor since he Joined us 3 years ago. It is the third anniversary today we are having today. When pastor John joined us we were very down and discouraged from all corners.All of you can agree with me that it is no longer the same things anymore. We are joyful and happy now Aren’t we? I’m speaking on behalf of the church that we are happy to have pastor John in our church. Our hope and prayer as a church is that may we continue experiencing the lovely joy that we are experiencing as a church today because of Pastor John and may this partnership continue for years to come. The above is just a sample of the speech that you can give.

The best thing you can do as a person who has been chosen to give a speech on behalf of the church is to. Practice Keep on practicing each day until the very day that you will give the speech. As you memorize on the speech you can add more words to the speech as you make it better. After the speech you can also plan to give your pastor with gifts Other related pages inspirational poems for pastor anniversary.