Mazak Cnc Manual

Posted By admin On 11.09.19

I'm looking into adding a CNC lathe into my small shop. I do mostly prototyping and occasional very small lot (. I have one of each, a Genos L200emy and a TS4000YS. Takisawa's manuals are a single sad engrish binder.


Okuma comes with basically a whole bookshelf. Takisawa has a plain vanilla Fanuc control with no operator help or overlay.

Feb 26, 2016 - Manual programming involves numerous calculations and. The programmer must program in the same language the CNC machine will. Mazak Manuals Instruction Manual and User Guide for Mazak. We have 74 Mazak manuals for free PDF download. We are looking for a skilled Mazak Machinist. This person will be expected to set up and operate various machines, including manual, CNC and Mazak Integrex.

The Okuma control is great, except that is is in some places intentionally crippled and then they sell you basic fublnctionaliry back as options. Options are expensive. If you ask Yamazen about literally anything on the Takisawa, the answer will be 'I don't know' and that is where it will stop. At least in Ohio. Which is less than helpful because the book is worthless. Takisawa's office in this country are somewhat helpful though. Which is a shame, because the guts of the Takisawa are pretty good, really.

Mazak Cnc Programming Examples

I described it as an underengineered and underdocumented assemblage of pretty nice parts. I use the Okuma daily. If you have a lot more space and a lot more budget I'd happily sell you a barely used three year old Y axis Takisawa with sub-spindle. It is far and away my least favorite machine in the shop. (In fairness, it is also the only Fanuc control in the shop). We have an Okuma L250. The control is the best on the market IMO, but that particular machine is direct drive, and has NO balls at 5' or larger diameter stock unless you take small (.1' or less per side) cuts.

Someone above said it takes forever for the spindle to wind up and down, that's not the case with ours, unless they are used to Brother mills lol. The way oil consumption can be controlled by a parameter if need be. Overall it holds tenths all day long.


Mazak Cnc Programming Manual

I would recommend it.Thx Did you ever need any support for your Okuma? I'm looking into adding a CNC lathe into my small shop. I do mostly prototyping and occasional very small lot (. This equates to 'don't crash it'. A few models of Hitachi Seiki used a similar system. Acs alcolock v3 manual codes.

After a heavy crash they no longer would 'lock' the turret at that index. Left you with a choice of a $7k parts bill plus labor or a turret station that was great for tapping or

A T series Hardinge is about $180k to $200K or dinky gang tool QUEST CHNC 27 & 42 is freaking expensive too. $7k for a willfully bad crash sounds pretty good value to me and one to budget for Awesome! it is what it is No freeeeeee lunch. OP is doing small batches and has time to be baby the flump out of such a machine. However I do feel that the POWER of the spindle vs the mechanical solidity of the turret is a mis-match and yes the spindle + freaky soft jaws + long hunky tool could be 'fun'. Is there not a friction break release system (on the turret) that just 'Gives' in the event of a really hard hit?

Is it 'Cheap to crash' is also a good criterion for shopping for new equipment. What happens if you have never crashed anything in your entire life? Telford Einstizle not withstanding. (A few bumps?). If 'cheap to crash' was the only 'Controlling' criterion we would only buy 5 axis robo drills and nothing else.

Not sure what lathe / turning center is best for repeated crashing OR BAD crashing? Sounds like the beginning of a bad blues song. 'Got up this morning Dun nahh neh nahhh cra-cra-craaashed my lathe, Duh nehhh nah naaa, Boss man looking to fire me Dun nehh neh nahh cuz I crashed it twenty times before, Duh neehh neh nahh Got up this morning '.

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Mazak Cnc Programming

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