Manual Dock Audit Report

Posted By admin On 16.09.19
Dock audit template
  • 1.You may do Dock Audits inside your Internal Audit program 2. You may do Dock Audits focussed only on your problematic parts or productions (eg. Following a complaint) until you get pretty confident.
  • Manual Dock Audit Report. Ebook Manual Dock Audit Report currently available at for review only, if you need complete ebook Manual.

Audits of a QMS based on the process approach. Write an audit report. Audit Criteria. • What policies, procedures, instructions or other.

This is a 'Frozen' Legacy Forum. Most links on this page do NOT work. Discussions since 2001 are Final Dock Audit Author Topic: Final Dock Audit Bryon Simmons unregistered posted 30 August 1998 04:34 PM I need some direction in this new requirement. We are a QS-9000 certifed company; we are also a job shop, we produce as many as 75-100 orders a day of different product.

Does this requirement mean that we have to do an audit (glorified inspection, IMHO) on every part number, or can we do a random sampling of orders to audit? Even at a self-prescribed frequency of annually, the sheer volume of part numbers would require me to hire an:inspector:, which ios something I have been diligently working to get away from. I do not understand how the B3 can tell us to emphasize defect 'prevention: in our systems, (which makessense, obviously), and then require us todoadditional inspection. My process control systems were developed with prevention in mind.This new requirement is a step backwards, IMHO. Please enlighten me. Thanks Bryon IP: Marc Smith Cheech Wizard Posts: 4119 From:West Chester, OH, USA Registered: posted 02 September 1998 06:38 PM I'll take a stab at this if you'll cite the QS paragraph(s) which you believe requires dock audits. I left my manuals in the class room after I finished today but I'll look it over tomorrow and get back with you with my take on it.

IP: Bryon Simmons unregistered posted 02 September 1998 08:13 PM Marc, third Edition.checkit out, and let me know Thanks IP: Marc Smith Cheech Wizard Posts: 4119 From:West Chester, OH, USA Registered: posted 04 September 1998 04:35 AM I haven't been thru this section in an actual audit (being new this shouldn't surprise you) nor have I heard any interpretation. My take on this paragraph is they are, in fact, requiring dock audits. But, as with everything else with QS, application is going to be confusing, as in your case. QS is basically (besides being extremely poorly written) written to address high volume producers of things like steering wheels. How many of your products do you ship to the b3?

Part of the NOTE is interesting 'Where. PPM requirements are met, the frequency may be reduced.' Reduced from what? What is an 'appropriate' frequency to begin with? I would not be shy in calling your registrar and asking them their take.

You pay them enough that they should have no problem explaining how they interpret this paragraph. I would LOVE to know their answer. But - then again, don't despair. There will soon be pages upon pages of interpretation very soon, I suspect. Sorry I can't help beyond that. It could be a long winter! IP: Chad Nunnery unregistered posted 15 September 1998 10:50 AM I have recently designed (and am currently implementing) a quality system based on the Third Edition.

I had an interesting experience concerning this topic with my Registrar because of my company's position on this issue. We make a compound (bulk molding compound, or BMC) that our customers mold into headlamps for the Big Three. This compound contains styrene which will evaporate quickly if not sealed properly (and thus ruin the product).

Dock Audit Procedures

If a dock audit requires us to open our packaged product before shipping to perform repeat tests, then it will also introduce these deterioration and contamination concerns. We explained these concerns to our registrar and explained that since this requirement really was not intended for our type of product that we needed some flexibility. In fact, this requirement makes absolutely bad business sense for our product. The registrar attempted to help by stressing the word APPROPRIATE in the requirement. I told him that our experts have determined that the appropriate frequency is 'zero.' (At least he was good humored) He finally stated that we could do something that did not involve actually opening the container.

He indicated that maybe just checking QC test records, again, before shipping would be adequate. I, personally, believe this requirement is nonsense and a waste of time in our specific application. If you have any other ideas about how we could be compliant and still not open our boxes to check the product I would be very interested.

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IP: Marc Smith Cheech Wizard Posts: 4119 From:West Chester, OH, USA Registered: posted 19 September 1998 10:24 PM The problem is that a lot of this stuff is nonsense. They took a general spec (ISO) and tried to mimic it. QS9000 is nothing more than a poorly drafted customer requirement. OK - the dock audit requirement - Chad hit on it - provide something. It doesn't have to be product inspection, obviously (then again, maybe I should say not so obviously or obviously? Brian - you're already registered. If you talk with your registrar about this and get an answer from them, please do let us know what the response is.

IP: JeanMichel Lurker (.

Hi all, In IATF 16949 the requirement state Manufacturing process audit The organization shall audit all manufacturing processes over each three-year calender period to determine their effectiveness and efficiency using customer-specific required approaches for process audit. Where not defined by the customer, the organization shall determine the approach to be used. Product audit The organization shall audit products using customer-specific required approaches at appropriate stages of production and delivery to verify conformity to specific requirements.

Where not defined by the customer, the organization shall define the approach to be used - Our customer not defined the audit approach. My question is What kind of approach our organization need to be defined for each type of audit? Or how we should implement this 'shall' in our organization?

Thank you in advance. So I look at it this way: Product audit is the old dock audit. We take a part sitting on our dock ready for shipment and check it for compliance to customer requirements. We have a simple checklist form we use.

Manufacturing process audit we hit two ways: First is basically a part audit to the control plan. We follow all the way thru from purchasing to final inspection. Again we have a checklist we use.

Then we also do a global system audit of our manufacturing processes/procedures. This is less part specific and more of an overall view. Thanks for the feedback. Yes, i understand the audit approach is should be like that like the old one. But, what i mean is, how i put it on our procedure.

' Where not defined by the customer, the organization shall determine the approach to be used' replace with, ' Where not defined by the customer, the organization shall b e looking at the control plan, FMEA and procedures, past corrective actions and customer complaints associated with the process being audited' is something like that? Do you all agree?

Internal audit AIAG CQI-8 Layered Process Audit CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treatment System Assessment CQI-11 Special Process: Plating System Assessment CQI-12 Special Process: Coating System Assessment CQI-15 Special Process: Welding System Assessment CQI-17 Special Process: Soldering System Assessment CQI-23 Special Process: Molding System Assessment CQI-27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment ANFIA AQ 008 Process Audit FIEV V2.0 Production Process Audit Manual IATF Auditor Guide for IATF 16949 VDA Volume 6 part 3 Process Audit Volume 6 part 5 Product Audit. If it helps, we changed very little about our I/A procedure. TS already required product, process, and system audits. We really only looked through our competency requirements to make sure they met the requirements of 7.2.3 / 7.2.4 (see latest IATF sanctioned interpretations, this was clarified). From, you are most likely already creating your schedule based on priority. Your priorities should already be risk based.

Example, you will increase the frequency of audits if the process has let NG parts flow out. You would not increase the frequency for a process with little impact on the customer that has had no past corrective actions, audit findings, ect. This is already risk based thinking.

Some 'new' requirements in the standard are not really new. Just the wording in my opinion. For reference, we have completed our transition audit with no findings for the internal audit system.

Trust me, they looked at it hard.