Fbla Competitive Events Business Law Study Guide

Posted By admin On 26.09.19

Learn fbla business law with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of fbla business law flashcards on Quizlet. This Wisconsin Competitive Event Guide. Business Law. For objective tests are found in the National Competitive Event Guidelines http://www.fbla.

The FBLA National Awards Program, also known as competitive events, recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. FBLA competitive events also prepare students for successful careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce-simulated competitive environment.

The competitive event guidelines and competencies that follow were created for competitors, advisers, and event judges. New and Modified Events/Procedure Changes, Topics for 2018-19 Please review the new and modified events, and the topics for the upcoming year:.

/. Want to suggest a new or modified national competitive event?. Qualifying for FBLA Competitive Events At the State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners are then eligible to compete for national awards at the National Leadership Conference each summer. States may modify the events offered at the district/region and state level. Always check your state guidelines if competing at the district/region and/or state level competition. View the “” flow chart and to help choose an event.

For information on how events break down into individual programs of study, please view and. FBLA Competitive Events Guidelines Each event is governed by specific guidelines and rating sheets. Once you choose an event, please review the guidelines closely. Competitors can choose to compete in individual events, as part of a team, or as part of a chapter team:. Individual. Team.


Fbla Competitive Events Business Law Study Guide Answers

Chapter There are also events specifically for high school students in. Individual and team events focus on skills useful in leadership and career development; chapter events recognize overall achievement and performance in chapter management and growth. See the full lists of skills students develop. There are a number of event categories competitors can choose from: Tests Presentation Interview Team Performance Open Events Open, online testing events are open to any FBLA member present at the National Leadership Conference.

Prerequisites or registration is not required. The open event tests differ each year.

The top winner of each open event is recognized during the awards ceremony. Pilot Events From time to time new events will be piloted before being added to the regular competitive events program. Those events will be noted in the list of events with the word “Pilot” after the event name. A person competing in a pilot event is eligible to compete in another individual or team event. The top five (5) winners are recognized during the awards ceremony.

Fbla organizational leadership study …

The general event guidelines below are applicable to all national competitive events. Please review and follow these guidelines when competing at the national level. When competing at the state level, check the state guidelines since they may differ. Eligibility. Dues: Competitors must have paid FBLA national and state dues by 11:59 p.m.

Eastern Time on March 1 of the current school year. NLC Registration: Participants must be registered for the NLC and pay the national conference registration fee in order to participate in competitive events. Deadlines: The state chair, or designee, must register each state competitor on the official online entry forms by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the second Friday in May.

Each state may submit four (4) entries in all events except LifeSmarts, Virtual Business Finance Challenge, and Virtual Business Management Challenge. Each competitor can only compete in one (1) individual/ team event and one (1) chapter event. Each competitor must compete in all parts of an event for award eligibility. A team shall consist of two or three members. Exceptions are Parliamentary Procedure which must be a team of four or five members, and LifeSmarts which must be a team of two members. Repeat Competitors Competitors are not permitted to compete in an event more than once at the NLC unless one of the following circumstances applies:. Modified Events: A competitor may compete in the same event when the event is modified.

Note, if the only modification is a name change, competitors may not compete in the renamed event. Team Events: One (1) competitor of the team may have competed in the same event at one (1) previous NLC; however, they may not compete more than twice in the event at the national level. Chapter Events: Competitors may compete in a chapter event more than once (American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, and Partnership with Business Project). Individual Entry: A competitor who competed as an individual entry in a team event at the national level may compete in the same event a second time as part of a team, but not a second time as an individual. Parliamentary Procedure: Two (2) competitors of the team may have competed in this event at a previous NLC; however, they may not compete more than twice at the national level.

Fbla Competitive Events Business Law Study Guide

Pilot Event: Competition in a pilot event does not disqualify a competitor from competing in the same event if it becomes an official competitive event. The participant may compete in another event as well as a pilot event. Breaking Ties. Objective Tests: Ties are broken by comparing the correct number of answers to the last 10 questions on the exam.

If a tie remains, the competitor who completed the test in a shorter amount of time will place higher. If this does not break the tie, answers to the last 20 questions will be reviewed and determine the winner. Objective and Production Tests: The production test scores will be used to break a tie.

Objective Tests and Performances: The objective test score will be used to break a tie based on the tie-breaking criteria of objective tests. Reports/Projects and Performances: The report/project scores will be used to break a tie. Performances: Judges must break ties and all judges’ decisions are final.

National Deadlines. State chair/adviser must register all competitors for NLC competitive events online by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the second Friday in May. All prejudged components (reports, websites, projects, statement of assurance) must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the second Friday in May. All prejudged projects and reports must be. All must be submitted online.

All production tests must be received at FBLA-PBL by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the third Friday in May. All production tests must be uploaded online.

State chair/adviser may make name changes only (no additional entries) by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the first Friday in June.

Competitor drops are the only changes allowed after this date and onsite. National Awards The number of competitors will determine the number of winners. The maximum number of winners for each competitive event is 10. Only one (1) award is given to the schools competing in chapter events (American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, and Partnership with Business Project). Additional Materials Certain events may allow the use of additional materials.

Please refer to event guidelines. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) FBLA‑PBL meets the criteria specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act for all participants who.

Recording of Presentations No unauthorized audio or video recording devices will be allowed in any competitive event. Participants in the performance events should be aware the national association reserves the right to record any performance for use in study or training materials.

Dress for Success—Members must be in business attire. Please review the the. If you question if you are properly attired, then change. Read and follow explicitly the state and.

Be aware of differences between state and. Check the status of membership dues. Students must be dues-paid members by March 1 to compete in national competition.

The sooner dues are paid the sooner members will receive FBLA benefits. All materials must be received by the national center by the second Friday in May. Normally the state submits these materials, but some states request the local chapters submit their reports, website URLs, interview materials, etc. Remember, when competing at the district or state levels, materials are not sent to the national office. Become completely familiar with the procedures to be followed for participation in each type of event at the state and national levels. Determine from the and the areas that will be judged and the weight given to each area.

Obtain a variety of updated information on different subject areas and provide access to students for study. Contact former and current chapter members who have competed in previous years for suggestions. Find mentors and other experts who can help members prepare for competition. Involve faculty, advisory committee members, Professional Division members, businesspeople, community volunteers, and parents in study sessions and event preparation. Try to recreate as realistically as possible the conditions under which the competition will take place and PRACTICE. Make certain that the copies of materials to be submitted to judges are error-free and in the proper format. Study Tips.

All objective tests are completed online and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. Ask your teachers to share with you the different textbooks they use as resources. Look over the end-of-chapter summary and the glossary words. For events such as, etc. Find other teachers in the school who can give you possible resources to study. Test-taking Tips. Avoid talking to others as you enter the room.

Instructions for online testing will be given to you when you sit down at a computer. The calculator function on the computer will be provided for your use. You may not use your own calculator. If the equipment doesn’t work, raise your hand until help comes. Review these. Sample Practice Materials. 1. Identify ethical character traits: honesty, integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, citizenship, and justice.

2. Explain the relationship between law and ethics and why they sometimes conflict. 3. Explain the differences between local, state and federal government and the powers and limitations of each. 4. Define statutory law, identify the purpose of statutory law, and describe how a bill becomes a statute under federal law. 5. Identify ways laws affect individuals, sources of law, constitutional rights and responsibilities of U.S. Citizens, and the responsibilities of government. 6. Distinguish between different types of courts.

7. Distinguish between the roles of legal professionals (e.g., judges, lawyers, and paralegals). 8. Identify the elements of criminal, civil, and business law, including trial procedures. 9. Define crimes such as embezzlement, larceny, robbery, burglary, assault, battery, forgery, white collar, extortion, bribery, conspiracy, etc.; and classify it based on the severity of the punishment 10. Explain the difference between crimes and torts.

11. Define “negligence per se” and give examples of circumstances under which it applies. 12. Define tort of assault, battery, false imprisonment, mental distress, invasion of privacy, defamation of character, trespass to land and personal property, conversion negligence, and strict liability.

13. Identify crimes that occur in the business environment. 14. Understand the purpose and uses of a variety of common legal documents. 15. Recognize situations that call for legal advice.

16. Possess a working vocabulary of most frequently used legal terms, such as litigation, arbitration, mediation and conciliation, etc. 17. Explain how disputes can be settled without resort to the courts.

18. Complete legal documents with notarization as required. 19. Define environmental law, energy regulation and conservation, and explain the purpose and need. 1. Explain the nature and importance of contracts 2. Identify the elements of a contract (e.g., offer, acceptance, genuine agreement, consideration, capacity, and legality). 3. List and analyze the steps to creating a legal and binding contract.

4. Discuss the requirements of an offer and acceptance and how the offer can be terminated/discharged/assigned. 5. Identify the classifications of contracts: valid, void, voidable, unenforceable, express, implied, oral, and written. 6. Define consideration and list examples of valid consideration. 7. Differentiate among the ways that a contract can be disrupted, such as fraud, nondisclosure, misrepresentation, mistake, duress, and undue influence 8. Explain a minor’s rights regarding contracts. 9. List contracts that should be in writing under the Statute of Frauds and identify the consequences for failure to comply. 10. Define breach of contract and name legal remedies available for resolution. 11. Define sale and explain how the UCC governs the sale of goods.

12. Distinguish between payment, delivery, and transfer of title of goods. 13. Explain who may transfer ownership of goods and what is required for the transfer of ownership.

14. List and define the performance obligations of the seller and buyer in a typical sales transaction. 1. Describe the legal forms of business organization and identify their respective advantages/disadvantages.

2. Describe the types of organizational structures and management levels 3. Examine the ways businesses can be created including their rights, limitation, and liabilities. 4. Distinguish between a limited partnership and general partnership. 5. Differentiate between types of corporations and describe the functions of the board of directors and officers of a corporation. 6. Identify shareholder rights and explain the nature of the shareholder liability. 7. Differentiate between types of corporate expansion (e.g. Mergers, consolidations, and conglomerates).

8. Describe the characteristics of a franchise and analyze where it fits in the economic and legal framework. 9. Define a limited liability company and explain the steps in forming it. 10. Discuss the role of the S.

And identify potential consequences of violating S. 11. Discuss ways that government regulation and legal issues in businesses have affected each of us 12. Develop an understanding of a business’s responsibility to know, abide by, and enforce laws and regulations that affect business operations and transactions (anti-trust laws, organized labor, and regulatory agencies).

13. Identify, apply, and keep current with laws and regulations such as those that affect business practices like financial and accounting records and storage and retention of records. 14. Identify the legal issues and agencies related to managing a business in the global environment. 15. Identify trade regulations and unfair trade practices regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. 1. Discuss the benefits and burdens of ownership of property. 2. Define real property, personal property, and fixtures and explain why property distinctions are important.

3. Compare different legal rights and methods of acquiring property and transferring title (e.g., renting, leasing, or purchasing, contract for sale, deed, title search, abstract of title, mortgage, etc.) including the effects of liens. 4. Describe and distinguish liens, licenses, and easements. 5. Describe legal aspects of a real estate transaction. 6. Describe the legal characteristics of a lease.

7. Define the different types of intellectual property (e.g., patents, copyrights, and trademarks). 8. Describe the civil and criminal consequences for infringing on the intellectual property rights of another. 9. Explain the impact of zoning regulations on the use of property. 10. Explain how a bailment is created and describe the standard of care different bailees are required to exercise over bailed property. 1. Explain agency relationships and list the ways agency relationships may be created. 2. Distinguish between an agent and individuals such as independent contractors, real estate brokers, bailees, and trustees. 3. Identify the duties, scope of authority, responsibilities, and liabilities of agents.

4. Identify legislation that regulates employee rights (e.g., employment interview, testing, laws affecting minors, and collective bargaining). 5. Identify legislation that regulates employment conditions and worker benefits (OSHA, workers’ comp., unemployment compensation, etc.). 6. Identify legislation (e.g., civil rights, right to privacy, and ADA) affecting personnel practices (compensation, promotion, recruitment, selection, termination, and training and development). 7. Describe legal reason for terminating employees (e.g., employment at will, embezzlement, and violation of company policy). 8. Analyze contracts and company’s position to assist management in labor contract negotiations and monitor implementation of contract for compliance. 9. Discuss the impact of immigration relations to the operation of businesses.

1. Explain the essential elements of negotiable instruments, the different types of negotiable instruments, and specify their respective advantages/disadvantages. 2. Distinguish between primary parties and secondary parties. 3. Describe presentment for payment and presentment for acceptance. 4. Compare and contrast the different types of insurance. 5. Identify laws associated with different types of insurance.

6. Compare/contrast insurance policies and coverage to determine advantages and disadvantages. 7. Describe a secured transaction and requirements for creating a valid security interest. 8. Discuss the different types of mortgages, liens, and their purposes.

9. Explain the rights of debtors and creditors. 10. Identify the reasons for bankruptcy laws. 11. Compare bankruptcy with other alternatives. 12. Describe the principal features of bankruptcy such as Liquidation and Reorganization of Debts, Chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13 Bankruptcy Codes. 1. Identify and state the purpose of legislation that regulates consumer credit, debt collection, privacy, and electronic credit transactions.

2. Describe laws and agencies that provide consumer protection. 3. Define common, unfair and deceptive practices such as: bait and switch, usury, identity theft, deceptive service estimates, and fraudulent misrepresentations 4. Identify the regulatory agencies established to protect consumers against unsafe products and deceptive trade practices. 5. Explain the concept of strict, absolute, and vicarious liability. 6. Explain the relationship of business ethics to product service management. (e.g., product packaging, quality assurance, grades and standards, and product promotion). 7. Apply “truth in advertising” and “government instituted laws” to promotion of a product or service. 8. Distinguish between implied and express warranties and between full and limited warranties and describe the protection they provide.

1. Explain ethical and legal behavior of computer law as it relates to computer hacking, software piracy, source code, software license, copyright law, Internet, and e-mail. 2. Discuss existing laws, jurisdiction considerations, and disputes regarding E-commerce. 3. Define different types of computer crime and discuss the various types of federal and state statutes designed to combat computer crime. 4. Discuss various statutes that deal with the effects and use of computer records and privacy matters.

1. Define marriage and explain the rights and obligations that are involved in marriage. 2. Understand concepts relating to marriage such as age requirements, prenuptial agreements, common law, and types of marriage prohibited by law. 3. Contrast annulment, divorce, and dissolution proceedings and explain some of the typical grounds for divorce.

4. Describe the law as it related to the distribution of property in divorce as well as child custody and child and spousal support. 5. Describe the legal rights and duties of minors and their parents/guardians. 6. Explain protections provided by estate planning (power of attorney, will, trusts, living will, right to die, etc.) 7. Identify the requirements of a valid will and indicate the ways a will can be revoked or altered.

8. Identify the responsibilities of a personal representative, executor, or administrator in the settlement of an estate.