New Idea 489 Haybine Manual
Posted By admin On 29.09.19Hi, I have had this haybine for two season and it has worked really nice, until this seasons end. There is a clunking/pounding noise. I put the PTO in very low RPM just to locate noise, and it sounds like the rollers are the clunking noise and there seems to be more play in the upper roller compared to the lower. Does anyone have an Idea or know what has happened. Also, are there any good/complete service manuals out there for this machine? Appreciate any advise from you experts out there! Bill, there have been some good suggestions here for you, but I suspect the noise you hear is coming from something else.
First off, your haybine does not have gib keys, so loose sprockets are not the problem. The wobble box is certainly something to check. However, I suspect the source of the 'clunking' is at the top roll rear pivot point. Let me try to explain what I mean, but I don't know if I can.
As I'm sure you know, the top roll must open and close everytime a slug of hay goes thru it. That pivot point that the top roll pivots on is a 5/8' carriage bolt with 2 different bushings. It is not uncommon for one or both of those bushings(or spacers) to break and actually disappear.
If the 2 rolls are close enough to tip each other, the top roll pivot point 'clunks' very loudly. I hope this makes sense. Also, is there any rubber coming loose from either roll? This too will clunk. Also check the rear end of the tongue. If the hanger in there is sprung down, the pto inside the tongue will start banging on the tongue pivot pin or bolt.
Our New Holland 489 Haybine Mower Conditioner Operators Manual is a high-quality reproduction of factory manuals from the OEM (Original Equipment. Found this one with serial #1303 so I thought I would share it. Dealer (sells Gehl, New Idea, etc., I think he sells Kuhn also) local that we deal with so it would be nice to get somehing we could get parts for from them. The whole haybine floats, unlike a 489 and 492 just the reel and the cuuting bar floats. Jun 28, 2018 Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:56 pm Post subject: New Idea 290 Haybine I have a New Idea 290 Haybine I have really liked. It is in fairly good shape despite its age EXCEPT that part of the slip clutch assembly has gone bad.
Hate to say it, but the 489's were the quietest machine when new, but the most noisey machine when old. Once again everyone, Thanks for all the info! I'll tell you, this has been a very good discussion board, learned alot! Steve, to answer your question. All the roller rubber is very good!
I will be looking at everything! Not too sure I understand the tongue hanger springing? I have noticed the tongue isn't level coming out of the housing, it tilts towards the machine. Is the hanger repairable or a replacement part? What's the deal with straightening it? I'll tell you this machine has been very quiet and smooth cutting and running until two weeks ago. My wife couldn't even here it running from the house, unlike my neighbors haybine, which is way farther from our house and sounds like a 7th grade marching band without sheetwork coming up the road!
Bill Thanks again! If you have a 489, there is no sprockets or gib keys in this machine. There is a gearbox with driveshafts connecting to the rollers. Check and see if maybe the hubs that the driveshafts hook to are not excessively loose.
If so, that is probably where your noise is coming from when the rollers contact each other. If they are worn, I have seen the rollers try to climb on top of one another, and when they let go it will make a terrible noise. As far as a service manual see your local New Holland dealer.
Ever since my Dad sold his self propelled windrower many years ago he has had a neighbor cut his hay for him. The neighbor would like to get out of doing custom work so my Dad has been kicking around the idea of getting a pull type mower conditioner. These are machines I really haven't paid any attention to or had experience with.
So my question is what is a good model? He only has about 10 acres of alfalfa a year so obviously don't want to buy a new one. We have CIH / NH dealer and an AGCO dealer (sells Gehl, New Idea, etc., I think he sells Kuhn also) local that we deal with so it would be nice to get somehing we could get parts for from them. I was thinking a 9' - 12'. Would like to run it with the 656 rather than a larger tractor so that might limit us to a 9 footer. Any advice for me? I have a CIH 8330 which is the same as a Hesston 1120.
I cut 100ac/yr, it seems to be a pretty good simple built machine. Previously had a NH 489 and the 8330 to me is supperior, lots easier to work on and with lots less parts. Parts are available from CIH or AGCO. My 8330 is a 1993 model, they were made from the late '80's up till when NH bought CIH then they went to NH products. Like every other piece of equipment it has to be adjusted and operated properly. It isn't as fast as a diskbine but will work just as good for a lot less $$$$$. I custom bale for a few people that have NI 5209, NH 1411 and a JD diskbine don't remember the ## but only a few years old.
I know it takes me longer but my cutting job is just as good or sometimes BETTER than the disk jobs. My 8330 cost $3100 4 yrs ago, a good used diskbine then was 3X the $$ then. Hi IH forever, I have a New Holland 408 discbine that works real well for me! It's a 2.5 meter machine and I run it very comfortably with my Ford 5610 (62 HP).
You might be able to run a 3 meter discbine (NH 411) but I would think that a 656 might be 'busy' Both of these machines have roll conditioners. Kuhn sells very similar machines (FC 250 & FC 300) These were offered with either roll or flail conditioners. My experience has been that the Flail conditioners take more power. Kuhn also used to say 'Flail for grasses & Rolls for legumes' Hope that this is helpful for you SS.
Without a doubt the most successful mower-condition manufactured. I must of owned your evil twin then. My 499 was the biggest POS I ever owned as far as hay equipment goes. I think if I would have tried to cut my lawn with it, it would have plugged up there too. For 10 acres here is what I would own if I were you Hesston 1091, 1120, or NH 479, 489, 492, 488 and maybe a real sharp 469 but that is getting pretty old.
You should be able to find a nice moco for around $2,000 for what you are going to do. To cut my annual 1000+ acres. Even though its green, it will cut hay.
Where do you find time to go pulling? Or do you make time?
I'll be using a 925 JD 9' discbine this year too.but not anywhere near 1000 acres. C`mon Jason, always time to go pulling. Not, I make a little time for pullin, haymaking is first and when u can pull u can make hay. My son is the puller, I do a lot of pulling over the phone with him.
1000 acres, 250 cut 4 times, sometimes 5. After first cut is done, later cuttings aren`t as many bales. I`ll cut 50 acres at a time, to make 2500 bales in a day, only takes a few windows a month to cover it all and then there is some time to play. 925 jd 'discbine' that is an oxymoron. Discbine is NH and I like NH too much to call a moco a discbine, even if I own the green thingie. Well after following this thread it appears to me that disc mower conditioners are not very popular (could it be the cost factor?) I ran a New Holland 477 with stub guards (7 ft 3 in cut) before I got my 408 discbine.
New Idea 489 Haybine Manual Treadmill
It did an excellent job for me! Ran that machine with my Ford 3910 (42HP). I think that the NH 472 is a newer version of the same machine, then you have the 474 which is the deluxe version The other thing to consider is the size of your tedder (if you use one), a 13 ft tedder works good with a 7 ft haybine while a 17 ft works well with a 9 ft machine If you opt for the 9 ft machines you have the 488 which is a bigger version of the 472. Then there is the 489 (a bigger version of the 474) and the 492 (a newer version of the 489) Confused yet?