Autocon Dynapath Delta 20 Cnc Manuals
Posted By admin On 26.09.19Sep 30, 2009 - My J325 Tree had a Delta 20 control on it when I bought it. But the comments I've heard from people with the Dynapath controls. I don't know how much I can help you but if you have questions about CNC or CAD/CAM you.
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Autocon Dynapath Delta 20 Cnc Manuals Fanuc
Just dragged home a Gorton mill equipped with an Autocon Delta 40 CNC unit. I have done a quick internet search and it appears that Autocon is still in business and servicing their products. Anyone have any experience with the product - that would be willing to answer????????? The seller did not have any of the manuals so I am going to contact Autocon and see if they have a set for sale. It will be a while before I am ready to power up for the first time and I would rather not smoke it the first attempt. I found and fixed the one obvious fault which was the quill up too far tripping the limit switch.
Everytime I try to jog, I get a shutdown and fault message, something to the extent that the servo and feedback are not both responding. This happens on all three axis. No help from the Delta 40 Operator's manual I just bought. I get messages that Reference Zero needs to be set, but I need to jog to set the Reference, per the manual. Another one, which may or may not be related is that the Motion Stop light does not go out after a trip, even though the screen indicates the fault is cleared. The only way to clear the Motion Stop light is to power off and back on. Any clues on where I should be looking or checking?
Well, there is progress to report. I phoned Autocon support and did not get a lot of help, mainly because they thought the problem was in the other box (not their stuff). After a bunch of online searching, I was able to locate a manual for the servos and drivers. Turns out the little red lights on the driver boards are not a good sign but a bad sign. The manual did provide enough direction to get the drivers reset and working - one still trips on initial startup for unknown reasons, but usually resets. There are also suppliers of repaired boards if that becomes necessary.
Dynapath Delta 10
The unit now operates under power on all three axis via the jog controls. Now to write a simple program and try making chips.